It's your healthcare. You should choose what is best for you based on the most current research and a spectrum of effective holistic options as well as conventional treatments. After taking time to thoroughly understand you and your health issues, I will educate you about every approach and let you choose the best options. Spanning the realm of both modern and traditional medicine, I can offer the best of both worlds. I find what works and empower my patients to make informed choices. Most of my patients are tired of a one size fits all approach and want to find and treat the true causes of their symptoms.
I study trauma informed care practices and the intersection of experiences of people with varied abilities, identities, and neurodiversity which impact their health and relationship to healthcare.
Areas of expertise:
sports medicine, chronic pain, joint pain, injury
GI issues
insomnia, anxiety, mood, energy
respiratory, allergies
nutrition/ diet counseling through a Health at Every Size medical model
menopause, GYN health, fertility
hormonal balance, thyroid
inflammatory conditions, complex chronic disease
sexual health for all
Hormone replacement/confirming therapies
immunity, Cancer prevention
healthy aging
My approach is evidence based. Appropriate lab testing and diagnostic imagining can be key in confirming a diagnosis. That being said, I often see people told everything was normal on these workups and diagnostic investigation ends and symptom management begins. I evaluate the evidence based usefulness of testing and imaging and explain these choices with patients. I never treat results on a page, I always take them into the context of an individual knowing these values often fluctuate and can be misinterpreted out of context.
Years of working very closely with patients and monitoring their cases intimately, I have learned how elusive proper diagnosis can be. In a given circumstance a patient may have dozens of factors influencing their case and when those change over time, their diagnosis can change dramatically. My focus is on the details and I always re-evaluate the medical research as well as new approaches for chronic conditions. Sometimes years go by and no one has noticed a key component. Taking time and detailed attention often brings those to focus on our first visit.
Over my years of practice, I have developed a keen understanding of when other medical specialists might be helpful for a given condition. I sometimes refer for further workup or specialized management and then support the patient by further responding to questions and taking the time to explain these more extensive approaches. Portland has some of the world's best medical specialists and we should have every resource and opinion under consideration.
Balance is key. Some choose to take prescription drugs to manage symptoms because they are most effective or they have limited resources of time or money or motivation for lifestyle changes or natural remedies. Sometimes I prescribe these medications because they are the most appropriate treatment. Others want alternatives and are willing to address underlying causes to find lasting 'cures' to a given condition. Balance is hard to achieve in modern life and I am skilled at finding the small changes that make a huge impact. In reality there is often no 'magic pill,' rather there are 10 things that work 10% and effectively combine to restore balance and health.
Ironically, attempting to reduce stress can be stressful and undermine motivation. My approach is focused on outcomes, moderation and self-acceptance. I am interested in what works best, not only what is most "natural." When I do prescribe anything for a chronic condition, I always revisit that approach overtime to see if a better solution can be found. As a licensed primary care doctor and with my training in Naturopathic and Chinese medicine, I have a wide variety of excellent treatment options including:
· lifestyle changes
· acupuncture
· nutrition
· botanical medicines
· myofascial bodywork
· joint manipulation
· mindfulness
· therapeutic exercise
· physical therapies
· nutraceuticals
· counseling
hormone therapy
Having energy, happiness and a peaceful mind are ideal goals. Prevention and optimizing health are long term investments that pay off now and in the future. I often find certain behaviors collaborate negatively or positively toward these outcomes and I help guide patients to find approaches that they feel good about. Varying guidelines about nutrition or weight management can trigger shame around lifestyle choices. I help cut through those myths and find workable solutions that people trust will work for them.
Many of my patients see me regularly for bodywork and acupuncture to mitigate the physical effects of sitting at a computer all day. I often find ergonomic changes, specific stretches and reinvigorating their dedication to exercise help maintain their wellness.
Research! I am fascinated with the growing evidence of how healthy diet and lifestyle can reduce rates of heart disease, cancer and other common chronic illnesses. Leading research shows that addressing underlying imbalances in the immune system can greatly impact genetic predispositions as well as treat disease. Restoring these balances is my specialty.