I’ve been vaccinated and boosted!
This is a great step though we don’t have enough studies on how well this controls the virus spread. I will continue to take every precaution to protect everyone who enters my clinic.
Health Roots is Open!
I’m uniquely setup as a sole practitioner to reduce exposure risks and maximize safety for patients. I don’t have staff at my office at this time and I’m the only person in my clinic space. Insurance is currently covering telemedicine the same as in person care which is a great option for some. Please text if you’d like to schedule.
For in person visits please review the following guidelines and screening procedures. If you answer yes to any of the screening questions, please text me before your visit to consider rescheduling.
Screening questions:
In the last 48 hours have you had:
· Fever
· Cough
· Flu-like symptoms including diarrhea, body aches
· Contact with a potential COVID-19 patient (note the most contagious time is just BEFORE symptoms begin)
Fall 2023 clinic protocols:
-I may ask you to wear a mask the whole time you are in the clinic if you’ve had illness or exposures. You are welcome to wear one in any case and I am happy to as well. I typically schedule my most immunologically sensitive in the am before others have come or by telemedicine.
- When you arrive, come into the waiting room but note the door may be locked if I’m finishing with someone immunologically sensitive or on a telemedicine call. Please text if the door is locked.